Conversation - New Man Journey Conversation - New Man Journey


Most men, probably you included, need other men to satisfy an ancient, tribal need for male bonding. This is in our DNA. We satisfy this need without consciously attempting. We just gravitate to each other in groups and settings of various types. We don’t particularly evaluate the efficacy of these groups for meeting our deep felt needs as men. We play golf together, or play cards, bowl,  fish or eat together on Wednesdays or Fridays. We don’t make a big deal out of it. We aren’t seeking salvation or enlightenment. But what if honest discussions together could serve as an effective means of finding and activating that New Man inside? You may or may not have such a group in your life at the moment. That’s the purpose of this conversation.

The New Man Journey is meant to be shared. The more you share, the more you’ll discover. This isn’t an easy journey. You didn’t become who you are overnight, and you won’t become tranformed in an instant. You may have to slog through and understand alot of your Old Man to meet and release your New Man. Here you will have the opportunity to do that, in anonymity with other guys seeking the same goal. The conversation you begin here will be with a small group of men, not the whole web universe. You will become acquainted, listen to each other, grow together, and make amazing mutual discoveries and breakthroughs.

Think of this as your own private, virtual discussion group. You will have readings from the New Man Journey book and discussion questions to consider. You will be on the same page, so to speak, with your NMJ group. You may never meet these men in person, but you’ll form some of the closest relationships you’ll ever have. Welcome to the conversation.