Men from many backgrounds and professions are endorsing New Man Journey. Scroll down to see what they’re saying.
What Men Are Saying
Rick Scott
- “At 60 years of age now, I know that one of the most challenging and equally rewarding parts of life is keeping an eternal perspective while pursuing your dreams. Steve Silver understands the importance of keeping your focus on God and how that becomes the true measure of ultimate success.”
Josh D. McDowell
AUTHOR AND SPEAKER — “A man spends a lifetime crafting a career. A time comes when he no longer has that charge. What next? Relax or Renew for God? New Man Journey is all about that second option. Steve Silver has written an amazing book which carefully guides the reader to the threshold of his New Man in Christ. Are you ready for that challenge? If so, strap in. Read this book. Your life is about to change.”
Brad Anderson
FORMER CEO, BEST BUY — “I used to shudder when a leader at Best Buy would tell me their objective was to make $10 million. From a business standpoint, it was easy to motivate them. From a personal perspective, it was awful. What happens to people who get what they dream they want? New Man Journey confronts the hole many find in their lives. The great thing about Steve’s life and book is that he knows how to address filling that hole with something much more useful than wealth.”
Ralph Reed
CHAIRMAN, FAITH & FREEDOM COALITION — “New Man Journey, Steve Silver offers a guided tour for the reader on how to have a more fulfilling, purposeful, mission-oriented retirement. In God’s kingdom, our work is never truly done. Steve captures the excitement and anticipation of using one’s golden years to reach others with the love of Christ. I highly recommend this book for those in or nearing retirement.”
Murray Martin
FORMER CEO, PITNEY BOWES — “What is the meaning of life? Are we the men we want to be? New Man Journey takes a penetrating look at how we can be transformed from being ordinary to becoming extraordinary. Understanding ourselves is the first step in this process. Steve Silver deals with practical examples of who we really are on the inside. This allows each of us to begin the process of becoming the New Man that we need to be.”
Mike Whan
LPGA COMMISSIONER — “One thing has certainly been true in my life—the moments where I’ve learned the MOST, are in times when I’m the LEAST comfortable. Steve pushes you past your comfort zone, but what follows is a deeper level of learning, appreciation, and loving. I’m so glad that I decided to buckle up and take this ride.”
Dr. Brian Hall
PROFESSOR, HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL — “When we get to the second half of our lives, all of us have a choice—to coast and drift, or to dig deep for greater meaning and purpose. The former is easy. The latter requires more work. If that resonates, then New Man Journey is the book for you. It is authentic, readable, interesting, insightful and really, really practical. Steve Silver goes to the heart of life’s most important questions: Why are we here? What should we do next?”
Wayne Huizenga, Jr
PRESIDENT, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS — “New Man Journey asks questions which most of us think about, but don’t often grapple with. To grow in Christ, and to become more effective in serving Him, we need to become truly transformed. That’s not always a comfortable process. I highly recommend this book for any man who is ready to raise the bar on his Christian commitment and walk.”
Dr. Paul Dixon
CHANCELLOR, CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY — “New Man Journey is an excellent book for men of all ages, but especially for those in retirement. Steve Silver knows men. God has given him a heart for this special phase of life. This has manifested itself in the Men’s Golf Fellowship which he started. All who read this will know God better and grow in their relationship with Him. This book is vital for men who are seeking to know who they are and what they should do with the rest of their lives.”
Michael Timmis
CHAIRMAN, PRISON FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL — “New Man Journey is for anyone who has matured enough to realize that no career, no material possession, and no relationship can fill the emptiness that ultimately every man and woman faces. Indeed, having faced it myself I highly recommend this book because it tells the truth that only Jesus Christ can take away our emptiness and replace it with love, joy and peace.”
Dr. Alistair Hanna
FOUNDING CHAIRMAN, ALPHA USA — “Steve Silver spent his career as a consultant solving problems for others. In New Man Journey he applies his deep understanding of the Christian faith to help men live retirement lives of purpose and joy. It is absorbing reading, with stories and illustrations which bring home the message: “You must be born again to experience fullness of life.” If things just aren’t the way you expected in retirement, then I’d heartily recommend you read this book.”
Dr. Hayes Wicker
SENIOR PASTOR, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH NAPLES — “This engaging, lively, and very personal book will ignite men of all stages and ages to be high-impact players for eternity and to sprint the last lap of life’s race. Even if you think you are “old,” you can become new. Warning: the complacent are in for a blessed disturbance! To paraphrase a wise man, “God loves you as you are, but doesn’t want to leave you as you are.”
Dr. Doug Pratt
SENIOR PASTOR, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN BONITA SPRINGS — “Steve Silver’s insights in New Man Journey apply to all men, wherever they may be in their life journey. This book is a mirror for us to see ourselves in its pages. It helps us face the truth about who we are, and it points the way to change and growth. Like most men, I have recurring feelings that there has to be “something more” to life than I’ve yet experienced. Steve helps me to see what that “more” is, and how to find it.”
Michael Cardone Jr
FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN, CARDONE INDUSTRIES — “Steve Silver has written a book from his life’s experiences that will impact men and women in or about to enter the second half of their life. Steve’s passion to help his readers experience and achieve a more meaningful and fulfilling life comes through every page. If you want new perspective on how to enrich your relationships with your wife, family and friends—this book is for you.”
Joe Frick
VICE CHAIRMAN, INDEPENDENCE BLUE CROSS — “New Man Journey is compelling, provocative, unsettling and uplifting. It speaks softly yet powerfully to purpose and passion in this retirement phase of life. This is a quest much easier said than done. As our new “wardrobe” may now include Tommy Bahama shirts, iPads, and hybrid clubs, “putting on Christ” is the only certain path to meaningful reconciliation, relationship and transformation. How did we do today on our New Man Journey?”
Bob Lawless
FORMER CHAIRMAN & CEO, MCCORMICK & COMPANY — “Steve’s passion for change is a model for us to follow. It’s easy to coast through the second phase of life. Steve shows us how we aren’t finished and how we can be an example to those trying to find a better way. It’s refreshing to have a book that challenges us to make the next phase truly rewarding and make “giving back” our life motto. Steve paints a model for us to follow and leads by example. A truly inspirational read.”
Hal Rosser
FOUNDING PARTNER, ROSSER CAPITAL — “Steve Silver is amazingly direct and penetrating in his quest to be helpful to men. He gets it. While directed at those in retirement, this book speaks powerfully to men and women of all ages. Steve captures your heart with relevant stories that resonate deep in your soul. This isn’t just another book for retirees but a life changer that should be required reading for all men. Don’t miss out on hearing the practical truth that so many miss in life.”
Tom Randall
CHAPLAIN, CHAMPION’S TOUR— “I have yet to meet a man who hasn’t had to struggle with the age-old battle between his lower and higher natures, or found that to be an easy transformation to work out. New Man Journey provides us with a powerful yet practical guided tour through the “Dragon’s Cave” of our Old Man to ultimate victory in our New Man in Christ. This is an extraordinary book—amazing in it’s honesty and transparency. Get ready for the best journey you’ll ever take.”
Tim Philpot
JUDGE, FAYETTE CIRCUIT COURT OF LEXINGTON KY — “Steve Silver’s book is a series of stories, some his own, that prove that you don’t have to wait to go to heaven to live there. Many endure this entire life on earth, eagerly awaiting the glories of heaven, not understanding all that God has for us now. New Man Journey is not about the Power to get you to heaven—it is about the Power to get heaven to you. No need to wait for the New Earth to be a New Man. God can do it now.”
Gus Ramirez
EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, HUSCO INTERNATIONAL — “New Man Journey is a timely and thoroughly enjoyable read. It will influence many retiring from their day job to achieve a higher meaning for themselves and for the lives of those around them. It will help them develop a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and lead to a better understanding of what great work He has in store for them.”
Dallen Peterson
FOUNDER, MERRY MAIDS — New Man Journey grapples with the way we can live out the later days of our lives in service to the Lord, our family and our colleagues. This frank and compelling book will help Christians make sense of the competing world views that clamor for our attention. Steve Silver weaves together engaging stories with penetrating analysis of ideas that will help Christians defend their faith and live out its full implications in every area of life.”
Don Patterson
FOUNDER & FORMER CEO, 3COM — “If you are in or approaching retirement and want to finish well from an eternal perspective, New Man Journey is a must read. Steve Silver has authored an engaging, challenging and convicting book. He weaves stories into the tapestry of our self-perception in such a way as to speak to us personally. Here you’ll be motivated to move beyond past successes and failures to the real game—winning the prize for which God has called you heavenward.”
James Lund
EDITOR & AUTHOR — “Ever have the feeling there should be more to life than this? Steve Silver’s New Man Journey leads the way to lasting, satisfying change—from routine to revitalized living—from stagnant to reconciled relationships—from a self-centered Old Man to a Christ-centered New Man. No matter his age, this is a book for every guy who wants to make the rest of his life the best of his life.”
J. Blake Brown
PASTOR, SOUTHWEST HARBOR CONGREGATIONAL — “Scripture says to put off the old and put on the new. New Man Journey is a guide for doing just that. It captures the essence of that flesh-spirit struggle we have and walks us through the journey using scripture, story and personal insight. Steve’s conversational style engages, his incisive questions challenge and the gripping analogies help guide the reader down the path of understanding what it means to live a life that matters forever.”
Randy Kington
RETIRED, UNITED STATES MARINE CORP — “New Man Journey is required reading for any man or woman seeking the answer to the meaning of life. That is a strong statement—however, knowing God’s Son is the answer to every question. As Steve so eloquently states, we can never really know Jesus until we remove the old man and replace him with the new one. Following the simple admonitions that Steve lays out would revolutionize our society. I definitely recommend New Man Journey.”
Don Mitchell
FORMER CHAIRMAN, CBMC INTERNATIONAL — “I have known Steve since the onset of Men’s Golf Fellowship and observed his passion to share Christ in this unique ministry—and I use passion in the strictest sense of the word. New Man Journey accurately depicts the process of moving from a successful career to a transformed life and dealing with that empty hole that can only be filled by Christ. This book is a blessing to read.”